CAM4 has partnered with multiple tube sites (Pornhub, xHamster, etc) to create channels featuring recorded content from CAM4 creators, like you! Tube sites allow for your content to be visible to a new audience.
Who will be featured on the channel?
All CAM4 creators are welcome to submit content to be purchased for the CAM4 tube channels.
What do performers get for being featured on the channel?
The goal of the CAM4 tube channels is to help creators grow their brand and audience by showcasing them across these platforms. All content will be purchased directly from you (the creator). Additionally, your CAM4 username will be embedded into the video to increase the visibility of your CAM4 profile.
How do I get my content featured on a CAM4 tube site?
Just contact us at or reach out to your regional manager.
Will the videos be used anywhere else?
The video content submitted will be used across CAM4’s dedicated tube sites. The content submitted will be watermarked with the CAM4 logo to prevent reproduction.
Will CAM4 keep the recordings?
The original content you submit will be regularly deleted from our storage. The final videos we upload to tube sites will be stored in our secure database.
Who gets the ad revenue?
Ad revenue is not the goal of these partnerships – our goal is to drive traffic back to CAM4 and your profiles.
Can you tag my porn star or model profiles in the videos?
Absolutely. By tagging your profiles and social channels, new viewers and fans will be able to connect with you even further. Viewers will be able to find your dedicated pages and featured live shows. Need a profile? We will work with you to get your profile set up within CAM4!
Do the videos need to be just me? Or can I record something with a partner?
We accept either! The content is purchased and paid out according to how many performers are in the video.
What type of videos are you looking for?
The style of the video should feel intimate and cam-like. We love to see content that reflects the real people we see on CAM4. Content that feels homemade (but not low quality) does very well. Additionally, content that is not in a traditional cam location (on a bed; in a bedroom) does well (outside, in a car, bathroom, etc)
Are any other specifications required?
The content needs to be High Definition (1080p minimum) but can be filmed horizontally or vertically. The length required is 15-20 minutes and it must end in a cumshot or orgasm.